Wow. This year had flown by so fast. Really. It seems like just yesterday I was living in TX, it was January and we were going about our busy lives. And now it is almost 2010. Highlights of 2009? There has been way to many, I am so richly blessed, but I will do my best to list a few of the main ones... In January one of my best friends came home with me from AZ and we got to visit and go to Houston together... In February my Aunt visited, we got to go to Dallas, and I got to babysit four kids for a weekend all by myself :) In march, one of my best-friends got to stay with me for a week, a very sweet family I babysat for moved to DC, and I got to go nanny for another family in Aspen. In April came my fourth year of Teenpact, and the consideration that we might be moving to DC. In may it was confirmed we were moving, and I got to attend Teenpact National Convention in TN, which was definitely AMAZING! In June we made preparations for moving, and I got my driving permit. In July we went to Tucson to visit family, and moved to the DC area. In Aug I got to go with another amazing family to Disney world with my brother, (this time just for fun) and started this blog! In Sep school started up again, and I adjusted to life in DC. Oct some family visited for three weeks, Nov we went about our normal busy lives, and my Photography Business (LeslieJoy Photography) really took off. And in Dec I went to visit friends in Curacao, and got my open water diving certification, spent a weekend with an amazing family and got snowed in... and well that sums it up!
As I look back at the year, I realize life really sped up this past year. I am not a child anymore, I have many responsibilities, and lots of things I do with my time. Some how day by day passes like seconds ticking away, soon enough I will be graduating (scary huh mom?) and move on to life out of the house. I will contiue to love the Lord, and pray for His guidance in my life. That is about all I can do to prepare myself. I have really been thinking about this verse latly:
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
and I love it, I think it applies to so many problems this world has (most of them I have too.) Mainly, He had and has a better plan, one I could never even begin to fathom, and as my life goes on, day by day, His plan for my life will spill out, according to His will. This is all I can pray and wish for, all I want. So as 2009 comes to a close, I just praise Him that He has allowed me this long on the earth, that He has blessed me so richly, and look forward to the future He has for me!
On a totally different note, I have been experimenting with photoshop latley and found out how to do some things that I am rather excited about! Here are a few:

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