So it is summer! My summer is filled with a lot of things... mainly babysitting, with some photography thrown in there, and then of course friends, lots of friends. I am getting more and more excited about my upcoming trip to Disney World. =) Here are some various pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks.

Beuatiful babydoll face I love so much!

This is when little man here walks up to me, look! I can fit the whole frog in my mouth! At which point Miss Rebekah tells him to imdeditly take it out, and he gets a small lecture on why we don't put stuff in our mouths :)

Adorable, sweet, and loveable. Enough said.
The joy on her face is just indescribable. The things kids enjoy. Apperently upsidedown goggles on the face is one of them!
I LOVE butterflies. Especailly ones that will stay long enough for me to get their picture!
Cutest face in the whole world. Enjoying our lunch. Yeah that's right. Miss Rebekah is badddddd... we had strawberry shortcake for lunch!!....
Oh yeah.... amazing wonderful filling ness. We were all stuff to the brim. But it was oh so good!
Bubbles! One of my favorite babysitting past times, besides swinging and holding sleeping babies :)
Well that's all for now!! It is sort of late..... he he.